The Best Diabetic Cat Foods

A diabetes diagnosis for your cat doesn’t need to be a disaster. With the correct diet and medication implemented shortly after diagnosis, your cat’s diabetes could effectively be reversed (in the case of type 2 diabetes), meaning she can be weaned off her insulin shots. Choosing a proper diabetic cat food for your feline friend… Read More

The Best Hypoallergenic Cat Foods

Did you know that your favorite pet might also be allergic to certain foods? Cat allergies come about when a cat’s immune system mistakes an ingredient for a threat and mounts an immune response that results in miserable symptoms like sneezing and even vomiting for your cat. If your cat is prone to allergies, a… Read More

The Best Dry Cat Foods

Dry cat food is a very convenient and cost saving method of feeding your cat over wet cat foods. Dry cat food will not spoil if it is left out during the day, as a wet cat food will. Most cats eat a smaller amount of dry cat food than wet, so a bag of… Read More

The Best Wet Cat Foods

Wet cat food has higher moisture content than dry cat food, which can make it beneficial for cats who require more support for their urinary tract or kidneys. Your veterinarian might even recommend adding some wet food to your cat’s diet if it’s necessary for his digestive health. Wet cat food can also be an… Read More

The Best Cat Foods

When choosing cat food, you will be met with the decision between dry or wet diet varieties, and each has its own merits. A premium cat food is always recommended, with real ingredients and no fillers, preservatives, or artificial colors. When transitioning your cat to a new diet, you should always mix it with their… Read More

The Best Kitten Food

If you’re the proud pet parent of a kitten, one of the most important decisions to make is what to feed your furry friend. Proper nutrition is very important to help kittens grow into healthy cats, and there are lots of great foods available which are specially formulated to support your kitten’s health. But with… Read More

Cat eating organic cat food

As pet parents, you want the best for your furry friend, starting with the food you feed them. You might find yourself wondering what are the best organic cat foods? Which brands offer the best nutrition? Which foods offer the best cost-value balance? From organic cat foods to natural and holistic cat foods – both… Read More

Feeding your favorite furry feline a fresh, biologically-appropriate diet doesn’t need to be difficult, time-consuming, or complicated. And whether you’re an old pro who can cook from scratch or a newbie who can’t navigate the kitchen, cat food delivery services take all the craziness out of giving your cat delicious, fresh food. If you’re not… Read More

The Best Senior Cat Food for Older Cats

As cats age, some of their dietary needs change. Like humans, they need joint support and digestive aids to feel their best. They become less active, which reduces their caloric needs, too. Senior cat food for older cats are designed to keep your cat spry and on the move. We reviewed dozens of senior cat… Read More

The Best Limited Ingredient Cat Food

Dry, flaky skin, itchiness, or a rash could indicate a food allergy for your favorite feline. Limited ingredient cat foods are used to diagnose and eliminate common food allergens from your cat’s diet. Proteins like milk, chicken, fish, or beef are culprits, and limited ingredient cat foods narrow down the possibilities, so you can find… Read More