The Best Cat Flea Collars

As a cat parent, it’s important to take measures to protect your pet against fleas. Bites from these common parasites lead to skin irritation and itchiness, and some cats can develop painful skin conditions such as flea allergy dermatitis. Fleas are also known to carry parasites and disease which can cause dangerous and potentially life-threatening… Read More

The Best Cat Toothpastes

Taking care of your cat’s teeth and gums is critical to their overall health and well-being. That’s why it’s important to establish an oral hygiene routine as early in their life as possible. Brushing your cat’s teeth regularly will help prevent problems including plaque and tartar buildup, gum disease, and bad breath. And a high-quality… Read More

The Best Cat Vitamins

Just like humans, cats need a well-balanced diet full of the right nutrients to support their overall health. And although feeding a balanced diet will address many of your cat’s nutritional needs, in some cases, your veterinarian may recommend vitamin supplementation. Cat vitamins are specially designed to correct nutritional deficiencies in your pet’s diet. This… Read More

The Best Probiotics for Cats

Supplementing your cat’s diet with probiotics can help to keep their digestive tract balanced with an array of good bacteria. Doing so can help improve their immune system and digestion, just like it does with humans. Finding the best probiotics for cats means reading reviews, studying product features, and diving into the ins and outs… Read More

The Best Cat Nail Caps

One of the challenges of being a cat parent is dealing with destructive scratching. Scratching is a normal and instinctive behavior for cats, but it can be very frustrating if your cat scratches your furniture or home decor. It’s also no fun if your cat’s claws come into contact with your skin, and children are… Read More

Sick cat

It’s not uncommon for cats to get infected with a variety of intestinal parasites throughout their life. These parasites are known as worms, and your cat can catch them anywhere. Most often, this happens through contact with infected eggs or feces. Cats can step in the feces and ingest them while grooming themselves, or, if… Read More

Ginger cat in blue plastic litter box

Unpleasant though it may be, it’s a fact of life that everyone poops, and cats are no exception. Cleaning the litter box just might be the worst part about having a pet cat, which is why a self-cleaning litter box might be a good option for your feline. Finding the best self-cleaning litter box for… Read More

Burmese cat napping on a couch

Cats are known for their love of resting. In fact, cats need approximately fifteen to sixteen hours of rest every day. They are nocturnal animals and typically display a form of behavior called “crepuscular.” This means that they’re more active during both dawn and dusk periods, where they tend to look for moving prey like… Read More

The Best CBD Oil for Cats

As a loving cat parent, you’d do anything you can to help your feline friend live a life free from pain and discomfort. CBD oil is a natural remedy made by extracting CBD (cannabidiol) from the cannabis plant. It’s ideal for treating a wide range of health problems in cats, including chronic pain, anxiety, and… Read More