The Best Cat Beds

If you have a cat, she may very well rule the roost. Just because she sleeps wherever she wants doesn’t mean she wouldn’t also like a bed of her own to sleep in, though. And if you love your cat enough to let her rule the roost, then you love her enough to give her… Read More

Cat window perch

Cats love to look out the window. They like to lay out in the sunshine and stalk birds and other critters they spot out the window. Looking out of the window keep cats entertained for hours. It makes them feel like a part of the outdoors – all within the comfort and warmth of their… Read More

The Best Cat Blankets

Put down a sweater, robe, tote bag, or practically anything else soft for a second, and your cat will magically appear and lie down on it. Instead of getting all your belongings covered in fur, why not buy your feline friend a cat blanket of their very own? Not only will your cat love lounging… Read More